Monday, October 17, 2016

My Dream Origin

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It was cool and delightful against my skin like an autumn forest morning with a tepid breeze...

Slight goose-bumps covered my skin as I inhaled new crisp air into my lungs.  Light was what I felt and what my eyes saw as well.  Everything before me was born of radiance and I was weightless within it.  It was glowing and calm.   What a gentle dream this is, I thought.  I wanted to envelope this everything into my being.  I wanted to be it.  What did all this mean?  I’m not sure because the thoughts that were caressing my mind were unlike anything that I’ve ever experienced.  I moved as I thought forward….moving…thinking…slowly…forward.  There was no going back….only to proceed.  Even though this is true with anything as time only goes one way; here it had a different meaning.  It was more a finality that I had ever known.  Like walking away from someone and not being able to turn your head around for one last look, no matter how hard you tried.  The choice was easy as the freshness of the cooled untainted environment gave new meaning to elation.  I took another step and my foot sank and gave way to a grand lake of crystal clearness that surrounded me...

Colors flashed before my eyes that I had never seen before, thus completely nameless and leaving my mind in a tailspin of question marks.  I lifted my arms up as I drifted downward.  Not being pulled but almost like I was guiding myself in that direction; moving with the current of my hearts wishes.  This was the way and nothing was pushing against me.  Past tears dried up along with unloving words, both becoming nonexistent.  Internal contradictions at battle in my own skull that I had painfully become accustomed to were now silenced for good.  Such a melodic silence.  The understanding fell upon me like a warm soft blanket as my feet landed on the cool watery surface of my new world. 
That above was death and this below is life... 
...and then there you were to seal my fate with a kiss...


1 comment:

  1. BungleGrind
    that blew my mind and melted my heart and sizzled my meat pies all at the same time sweet pea. i read that three times just now and it gets better and wetter with each read. i’ll be adding it to my chimes file and reading it again again and by that time i’ll be drowning in a pool of cherry chime milky grime. its like you perfectly captured the before, during and after of what life was and became and will be now that we both were pulled from the wretched tides of malodorous murk by the hands of love and now we frolic in filth and fervor for forever more more and even more. thank you for this my love. you made bunglechimes for me. i am touched where it most counts. in my soul. i love you.
    June 23, 2012
